Informative and interesting articles are a key part of any financial planning marketing. Whether you’re using them to increase SEO, drive organic traffic, or share on your email newsletter and social media channels, articles are extremely versatile pieces of digital content. However, when there are numerous articles to be found online you need to ensure that your content stands out from the crowd.

Clients+ specialises in creating high-quality digital content for financial planners, including insightful articles. Here, our team has pulled out the 5 key qualities financial planners should look for in a successful article.

1 – An Original Idea

Ensuring your content is ‘original’ works in two ways. The first is that your content should be original (as in not duplicated from other sources), for SEO purposes. The second is that the ideas and topics you cover should be fresh and original themselves. Writing about the same concepts over and over again defeats the purpose of creating content in the first place. You need to keep your audience engaged and interested, and the best way to do that is through interesting and original ideas.

2 – A Strong Headline

The right headline is the key to a successful article. It’s the first thing your audience sees and will completely dictate whether they will click to read more. You need to make sure that you explain exactly what they will gain from your content, without giving the game away. A good headline should be enticing without being clickbait. If your content doesn’t deliver on the promises made in your headline, your audience will stop seeing you as trustworthy.

3 – High Value

All online content should provide value to your audience, however, the best articles are those where the value is obvious to the reader. Alongside your headline, your introduction is of equal importance. You need to explain clearly exactly what the reader will gain from reading the article, and why it’s important to them.

4 – Easily Actionable

Following on from adding value, the best content also explains how your audience can use the information given. Your audience need more than just general information, they also want to know how they can action it to get fix certain pain points in their lives. Each article should not only inform the reader but also educate them on how to best apply that new information.

5 – Clear Communication

If an article is coving a complicated topic (common in the financial industry), there’s nothing wrong with supplementing the article with photographs, diagrams, and videos. More than anything else, people want content they can easily understand. Communicate clearly with your readers by taking the time to add in extra images – just make sure they’re relevant to the text and not stock images for the sake of interest.

Clients+ is full of engaging articles for financial planners that hit all of the points above. Simply sign up to Clients+ today to receive your free piece of expert-created content.