Creating great digital content isn’t as easy as it sounds. Not only do the topics covered need to be interesting and engaging, but they also need to add value, solve pain points and be relevant to your audience.

At Clients+ we specialise in creating a range of high-quality digital content for financial planners. In this article, our expert content team has detailed the 5 big content mistakes that financial planners often make, so you can be sure to avoid them!

Mistake 1 – Writing About the Wrong Topics

When it comes to digital content the main thing you need to remember that your content isn’t for you – it’s for your audience. Before you plan out your content, put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself what pain points can you solve, and what information do they need clarifying? Then base your content around these answers. The more value you provide to your audience, the more they will trust you.

Mistake 2 – Forgetting the Call To Action

Having value-packed content doesn’t matter if your audience doesn’t know what to do after. Once you engage your audience you need to capitalise on having their attention by giving them a call to action. Do you want them to schedule a call, sign up to your newsletter, or share the content on their social media? Whatever it is, make sure you outline the next step your audience should take.

Mistake 3 – Failing to Keep it Simple

The financial services industry is loaded with complex terminology – it’s unavoidable. However, that doesn’t mean your content has to be overly complicated. Your audience wants content that is easy to understand. There are a few ways to keep your content simple; add definitions to keywords, use bullet points to format text, and supplement difficult written topics with images and/or video content.

Mistake 4 – Lacking Consistency

Delivering high-quality content on a regular basis is the key to a successful digital marketing strategy. Avoid the temptation to create content when inspiration strikes, or when you have the time, and plan out what you will deliver and when. You don’t have to post every day, but sticking to a regular schedule of blogs, articles, guides, and videos will ensure you stay in the minds of your audience.

Mistake 5 – Doing it All Yourself

As a financial planner, your schedule is already full without the need to create engaging digital content. To get the best results from your content avoid the pressure of thinking you have to do it all yourself. Clients Plus specialises in creating high-quality digital content for financial planners. From insightful articles, comprehensive PDF guides and exciting video content – Clients Plus has everything you need to create content that your audience will love.

Simply sign up to Clients+ today to receive your free piece of expert-created content.